Post by Tysk on Mar 6, 2013 14:07:43 GMT -5
{desc=Good boy}
Nickname: Puppy, Dog, You little shit
Codename: Tysk
Preferred name: Anything as long as it's said in a nice tone
Canon or Non-canon: Non-canon
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Alpha
Marital Status: Single
Birthplace: Lakselv, Norway
Current Residence: Central Park
DOB: August 8th
Age: Chronologically six. Developmentally 15.
Occupation: Dog
Species: Mutant
Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Height: Dog - 3’ – Human - 5’9"
Weight: 140lbs - 173lbs
Hair color: Tan and Black - Brown
Eye color: Black – heterochromatic green and blue
Identifying features: Ear tattoo and tattoo of name on rib cage. Is also micro-chipped (it's blank though)
Power Origin: Mutant
Anything else?: I might not have mentioned this, but Tysk is a dog.
RP sample:
Other characters: Collie
My Name: Little
Good Boy Tysk
Nickname: Puppy, Dog, You little shit
Codename: Tysk
Preferred name: Anything as long as it's said in a nice tone
Canon or Non-canon: Non-canon
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Alpha
Marital Status: Single
Birthplace: Lakselv, Norway
Current Residence: Central Park
DOB: August 8th
Age: Chronologically six. Developmentally 15.
Occupation: Dog
Species: Mutant
Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Shown in the Light of Day
Height: Dog - 3’ – Human - 5’9"
Weight: 140lbs - 173lbs
Hair color: Tan and Black - Brown
Eye color: Black – heterochromatic green and blue
Identifying features: Ear tattoo and tattoo of name on rib cage. Is also micro-chipped (it's blank though)
Usually, Tysk just looks like a very big long-haired German Shepherd. His coat can change color, but is typically tan and black. His eyes are an average black color. In his human form, Tysk stands 5’9” with a messy mop of brown hair with uncommon sea green and pool blue eyes (one color each eye). He’s not used to wearing clothes and finds them uncomfortable and constrictive and he’ll try and rip them off or eat them..
Tysk does not wear a uniform. If given a uniform to wear, Tysk will make all attempts to eat it. He may also take it off and make a nest out of it. Or pee on it. Uniform at your own risk.
Power Corrupts Absolutely
Power Origin: Mutant
Canine metamorph
There is confusion as to whether Tysk is a human that can turn into a dog, or a dog that can turn into a human. Either way, he spends most of his time as a dog, so lets go with that. As his father was a mutant in the form of a dog, he passed on the genetic code to a puppy and now Tsky can turn into a human. Tysk, however, can only turn into a human and dog; and only a German Shepherd. If he was trained, he could probably alter size and hair color of both transformations, but that’s too hard and so he’s just a really large, really fluffy German Shepherd that looks to be about three years old.
Enhanced senses
Being a canine, Tysk has an enhanced sense of smell, hearing, taste, and sight. Tysk can find anything he is trained to sniff out and can smell anyone that he knows from a mile off in optimum conditions, a few hundred yards off in a city like New York. His hearing ranges further on both ends of the spectrum from human hearing and he can hear incredibly high noises, and incredibly low noises. Do not blow an airhorn near him or he will kill you. And sight? Oh boy. Tysk is very visual, but his vision is relative to the obstacles around him. These traits cross over into his human form.
Minor enhanced healing
Very minor. Pretty much only useful in speeding up clotting and slowing aging when he's reached human maturity. Tysk's healing will also aim to push out any foreign objects such as bullets or shrapnel. It still won't heal the wound though, so getting to a vet or a doctor as fast as possible would be best to stop him from bleeding out.
Is a dog: He can't get into shops when he's a dog, and most places of well-repute don't let in a half naked human who can't speak English. Hates being scolded: Will curl up in a corner and not move. Verbal communication is almost impossible: Tysk only understands very few words in English and mostly commands in German and Norwegian. Sniffs people: It's a habit. Most people are put off by it. Intolerant to chocolate, onions and assholes: He's a dog.
All in all, Tysk is still a human/dog and most things that can kill humans/dogs will also kill him.
Getting to the Root of the Problem
Lumped into either ‘timid and shy’ or ‘emotionless mute’, Tysk is both and neither. He doesn’t speak because he doesn’t understand it. But Tysk, when he’s gotten to know someone his way, is outgoing and friendly. He loves to spend time around people he likes. Tysk is also very, very protective. If graced with his protective nature, Tysk won’t hesitate to kill someone he even thinks is going to hurt someone he likes. It’s his greatest weakness, but he sees it as a very good thing. His protective side also extends to all children.
On the flip side, Tysk is also pretty easy to anger. He’s possessive over his possessions and they range from a bowl of food he’s given to someone he’s sitting next to. He won’t always attack first, but he will snarl and probably nip to get his point across.
Tysk loves getting attention (from people he doesn’t hate), pats, toys, and being used a pillow or foot warmer. His greatest motivations in life are to eat, sleep and play.
When he learns how to talk beyond his own name and the commands he knows, he might be more receptive to conversation… or at least in listening to it without walking off mid-sentence. Conversations are for peoples. Also, as human, Tysk has a very limited understanding of social conventions like not peeing on light poles or shutting doors or saying please and thank you.
- Shay
- Crow
- Possibly a few siblings
Tysk’s life started off weird. His mother was a dog bred for sledding, and his father, well, his father was really a girl mutant who turned into a boy dog and had shis own way with his mother. At one of the first ultrasounds, vets were dumbstruck and clueless as to why one of the fetus’ seemed to be developing a hand and a foot. At the next ultrasound, there was no evidence of human appendages at all. They all put it down to an odd placement between the puppies. The time came and the puppies came out mostly healthy. The runt died over night, and in the next week, four of the seven died as well, leaving only Tysk and his littermate. His owner knew something was up with him when he first starting whining. It sounded like a babies whine.
Not knowing if this was normal or not, Tysk’s owners didn’t consult anyone because he was an otherwise healthy dog. It didn’t take long, however, for the strange whining to receive questions from tourists that came to the sledding resort that Tysk’s owners ran. As soon as he was weaned, they gave an offer to a tourist and Tysk was given his name. That was about the only nice thing Tysk’s owner ever did for him though. As soon a Tysk was eating steak without difficulty, Owner Tall started teaming Tysk up with another dog he had and training Tysk to be a guard dog. Focusing more on the guarding part.
In the year Tysk spent with Owner Tall, he was starved and fed the remains of humans that interfered with the business his owner was running. In this time, he was tattoo’ed and earmarked and experienced his first raid. An officer on duty saw Tysk’s young age an almost emaciated condition at the time and took Tysk back home where she crated him and got him used to the new conditions before introducing him to her family. It was nice in this new house with Owner Blue and her Alpha mate and their three spawnlings. Tysk figured this was who he had to protect now, and was very good at his job. After months of training and new mind-tasks, Tysk was starting to look at hunting as an exciting sport and stopped trying to kill the mailman.
By now, Tysk was too old to join police dog training, but as he become less openly aggressive and only snarled at any male trying to get within two feet of her, she took him to her job sometimes. Tysk liked getting out of the house and eventually started to like all of the blue people. Before Tysk turned two, the entire unit was put on a call about a collapsed building. Tysk went along and while they were waiting for incoming dog search squads, Owner Blue pulled Tysk out and told him to hunt. Tysk had played games like this with Owner Blue’s youngest puppy where she would walk off and Tysk would find her and herd her back into the playroom. While he still didn’t know he was looking for humans, he found them anyway. Why they were under all the concrete he had no idea.
When Tysk got home, he had a dream that Owner Blue’s puppies were all under the concrete but he couldn’t find them. He knew they were there though. In is dream-panic to get to the puppies, he woke up to find himself feeling very differently and Owner Blue was holding one of the noise-metals at his face and yelling at him. This only terrified him further and he tried to escape. In hilariously bad fashion.
Tysk did make it to the door though and ran around awkwardly in the back yard before he managed to run into the gate, which unlocked it and then he got away. He spent all the rest of the night cold, alone and scared. By the time he went back to sleep, he had seen that he was different. He’d even tried attacking himself after seeing his reflection in a mirror. He was a people? Maybe this was a dream too!
When Tysk awoke again, he felt better, warmer. He started wandering and in a store front, saw that he was himself again. But how did he get out? On his way back to Owner Blue’s house, he was picked up by a random person on the street. He struggled and tried to bite his way to freedom until he was muzzled and remembered the smell as Owner Tall. Owner Tall took him to a new house that they went to via plane. This terrified Tysk more than Owner Blue pointing a noise-metal at his face and chasing him out of the house.
The next time Tysk turned into a human was when Owner Tall was away with his new, strange sounding friends. This time, Tysk checked himself out. Little did he know that his first outburst was trigged by the onset of puberty and he was getting older by the day. By the time Tysk’s owner got home, he was already a dog again. Over the next two years, Tysk was able to learn how to control the change with varying levels of success. Sudden noises and high emotions would trigger a change, but he got enough control to turn human at night or when his owners were away and walk the neighbourhood.
On one such outing, Tysk came across a group of youths his own age, but only recognized one that he had seen come into the house on repeated occasions. Tysk walk over to the group and sat nearby, watching the one he knew. After an initial bout of teasing, the other youths came over and when the boy he knew saw him, he calmed down a little and recommended they all go over to his house. The boy gave Tysk a pair of clothes, and after initial confusion and a demonstration, Tysk put them on. He took them off again, but that seemed to anger everyone and he kept them on.
This continued for several months. Every time Tysk would get home, he would take off the shorts and put them under the balcony. When night came, he would put them back on and hang out with his new friends. One night, the group was accosted by some drunk guys and Tysk hung back, as he was often ordered until he was told to attack. He could tell the fight was escalating and when it came to blows, Tysk stepped between the youth he knew and one of the offending drunks and crushed the man’s throat with his teeth. No-one seemed pleased with this and in a panic, Tysk shifted back to his dog form. This was even worse and the boys tried to kick him. Tysk ran.
Tysk lived on the street for a few years after that until he met Crow and Fury. Crow was nice and understood him and sent him pictures and gave him food. Fury gave him food and a warm place to stay. While Tysk still likes to stay in New York, he does frequently hang around the Helicarrier. He's yet to be noticed as a mutant and he's slightly apprehensive about what will happen if they do find out. No-one knows that he's Crow's son still... so that's a plus.
No One Likes a Show-Off
- Can sit, roll over, beg, play dead, fetch, sic and lots of other neat tricks.
- Is incredible at remembering pictures of things and conversations.
- Teeth
- Claws
- Curled human paws
- Puppy eyes
Anything else?: I might not have mentioned this, but Tysk is a dog.
To Meet Expectations
RP sample:
The man, who everyone kept calling Fury, had left his door open. After that awful cleaning, Tysk had the audacity to want to go and roll in something dead and then drag it through Fury's kennel. Now he smelt... like people. But like dog too. Tysk sat down for a moment and started to lick himself until he smelt Fury's scent all over the hallway. He jumped up and bounced after the smell for a few meters until he settled down and just followed it at a leisurely pace. He stopped at several closed doors, a recreational room, a small kitchen - where no-one had any food so he moved on -, a room with way too many computers and people, and then to a room where the door was slightly ajar and smelt as much of Fury as his kennel did.
Tysk nosed his way into the room and pushed the door open as he trotted over to the leather chair behind a desk. Tysk jumped onto it and smelt it all over, this was definitely Fury's. He hadn't peed on it though. Tysk got the temptation to pee on it. Mark it as his, but... it smelt so good. Behind the strong scent of Fury, was the smell of dead animal. Tysk took a bite and wrestled with the arm of the chair for a moment until the leather tore off. Tysk recoiled as fluff came out and he sniffed at it for a moment before sneezing. What was this?! He didn't like it. Tysk scratched into the back of the chair and started tearing at the chair and shaking off bits of leather until he was certain that it was completely dead.
That still left the other two that didn't smell like Fury. What if they were equally as dangerous? Tysk jumped onto and over the desk and barreled into one of the chairs, biting and scratching and tearing at it until bits of fluff littered the floor and the legs had fallen off. That left one last one. Shaking his head clear of extra fluff, Tysk jumped up and braced against the back of the last one, ripping into the leather with his teeth and pushing the chair forward. Caught by momentary surprise, he yelped as he stepped forward and put extra attention into killing this one.
By the time was done, one chair was half out of the door, fluff was all over the floor, the two extra chairs were almost completely broken and he was biting fluff out of his coat. How dare Fury have these dangerous things in Tysk's path! Tysk jumped back onto the desk and sniffed around for a moment. Plastic and paper mostly. Owner Blue got angry when Tysk bit into the paper she worked on. Good, this should show Fury. Tysk had already swept the in-out folder off the desk when he jumped up, so that paper was good and strewn. There were a few still on the desk in a pile and Tysk laid down and started biting into the corner. It didn't taste nice, but it didn't taste bad either. He'd get to the plastic black magic stick later.
Other characters: Collie
My Name: Little